RPS Services

Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00

34B, MS Ali Street,
Kolkata, India.


RPS Services empowers businesses in all industries with software, digital marketing, cloud, and data science solutions. See how we can transform yours.


Custom software to unlock your business potential.


Scalable cloud solutions for secure & seamless business growth.


Data-driven marketing to reach the right audience and propel results.


Actionable insights from your data to drive smarter decisions.

Business services

Cloud Migration

The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, they knew that in order to succeed in this era of technology their accounting systems needed.

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Infrastructure Automation

Audit and assurance is all about meticulous data analysis. Everything needs to be checked, double checked, and triple checked.

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DevOps Consultation

We work with our clients and do a deep analysis of their business. We help prepare possible outcomes to different decisions.

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Data-Driven Web Dashboards

Data-Driven Web Dashboards In today’s data-rich world, information is power. But raw data can be overwhelming. That’s where data-driven web dashboards come in. At RPS Services, we design and develop interactive dashboards that transform your data into actionable insights, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and achieve your business goals. Transform Data into Clarity We

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Web Portals

Web Portals In today’s interconnected world, efficient communication and information sharing are crucial for business success. Engaging web portals offer a centralized platform to bridge these gaps. At RPS Services, we design and develop secure, user-friendly web portals that empower your organization to: Employee Portals: Create a central hub for employees to access company policies,

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This stops companies from taking drastic measures like downsizing or closing down sites; those things happen only with no or bad financial projections.

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Custom Enterprise Applications

Companies dislike the term ‘turnaround consulting’ because it represents failure. The truth is that turnaround consulting represents success.

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Cutting-Edge Mobile Apps

Bonds and commodities are much more stable than stocks and trades. We allow our clients to invest in the right bonds & commodities.

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Web Applications

This allows us to specialize in all dimensions of trades and stocks, because we have a specialist within the team for every scenario.

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Doing the successful thing, at the right time.

What makes us different


Data-Driven Everything

We blend data science, software, and marketing for one powerful solution that uses your data across everything you do.


Uncover Hidden Insights

We go beyond the surface data to uncover hidden trends and patterns, giving you a deeper understanding of your customers and market.


Cloud that Grows

We build agile, scalable cloud solutions that adapt to your needs and grow with your business.

Building enduring value through bold strategies


Projects completed




Awards winning


Satisfied customers

Schedule a free tech consultation


34B, Maulana Saukat Ali Street, Kolkata, India.

